Crossing Chaos
Sonic Effect Tutorial By: Android140
It's very simple and cool.

1. Create a new document in photoshop. At start let`s make 600*600 resolution with white background. Rename layer to "MAIN"
2. Now press "D" to reset the colors, and select a "gradient tool" radial. Change "gradient tool" mode to difference, opacity 100%.., look at img.
3. Draw a circle on the top-left position, look at the screen.. not to far from the center because you lost final effect. :/
4. Draw a another circle in THIS SAME POSITION,
5. Select "reflected gradient" and in this same technique draw a line from the top-right to bottom-left side Practice, don`t draw too big and don`t draw too small.. you will lost effect!
6. Now add "radial gradient" on the bottom-right position, take a look on the img. Some like this.. you never do this same circle like i was so be careful
7. Duplicate "MAIN" layer and rename new layer to "MAIN SONIC". Add to "MAIN SONIC" filtr "ZigZag", go to "Filter -> Distort -> ZigZag" Amount=100% and Ridges=6 Be sure style is changed to "Pond ripples"
9. Create new layer, rename to "GRID"
10. Now press "D" to reset the colors Go to "filter > Render > Clouds"
11. "Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic" Type "Cell size" as "15 square"
12. "Filter > Stylize > Find Edges"
12. "Filter > Render > Difference Clouds"
12. Now change "GRID" mode to "overlay"
12. Press "Ctrl+u", Change color to light-blue
12. Change layer to "MAIN SONIC" Press "Ctrl+b" and insert valuves show on the image
12. Cool huh ? ;)

Here is example what you can do with this effect :)

Use your imagination :)

I like this effect you can create cool navbars/buttons with it.  I'll leave it to your imagination for the rest.