Crossing Chaos

Interview of Jazz from

Interviewer: Hello Jazz!  Is it ok if I ask you a few questions?
Jazz: heee sure! ask away ^^
Interviewer: How long have you been interested in art?
Jazz: hmmm like since Pre Kindergarden
Interviewer: We people at Bitmap would like to know if you make comics.
Jazz: lol...ah make short joke comics ^^;
Interviewer: Well we all like jokes here.
Jazz: ^^ heee
Interviewer: Do you like any of the comics on Bitmap?
Jazz: hmmm...haven't read n e ^^;;;
Interviewer: *long silence* well that can be forgiven. ^^
Jazz: ^^;;;;; sorry
Jazz: ah would like to read them ^^
Interviewer: Well thanks
Jazz: ^_______^
Interviewer: Do you have any projects your working on?
Jazz: hmmm ah wanna do a group pic of all mah furry characters ^^
Interviewer: Thats nice
Interviewer: Do you have any sites you would like to premote?
Jazz: hmmm...uh....*scratches head*...nope ^^;;;;;;;
Interviewer: will we be able to hope for a site soon?
Jazz: yeah....ah really would like a site soon...but ah'm a lazy bi-otch and shtuff and not trying to
Interviewer: Would you like to premote any art arcives?
Jazz: uh...n e cool site that has sonic and furries..^^;;; for ah am too lazy to think or remember the names ^^;;;;
Interviewer: Would you like to post your deviant art account?
Jazz: huh?
Interviewer: I mean your deviantart url
Jazz: uh....^^;; *looks around* suuuure
Interviewer: k
Interviewer: Is there anything you would ever want to change about your art?
Jazz: hmmm...not really....ah kinda wanna draw fingers and toes better ^^;
Interviewer: Anything you'd like to say as closing?
Jazz: hmmm lets see...."beware of me cause ah'm crazy and a perv!! hahahhaha" *dances*
Interviewer: Ok thats all, thankyou for your time!
Jazz: wooooooo!
Jazz: you're welcome ^^
Interview by: Android140