Crossing Chaos

Interview of Ally from

Interviewer: Hi Ally, might we have some time to ask you a few questions?
Ally: Sure thing!
Interviewer: Okey dokey!  How do you like Bitmap as a site?
Ally: I think it's a great site. Has nice comics, though I'm not done reading them all yet. ^_^;
Interviewer: Good!  So what has been your favorite page?
Ally: The "Our comics" section.
Interviewer: You have good taste.
Interviewer: I really like your art how long have you been drawing?
Ally: Thank you. ^_^ I've been drawing ever since i was old enough to hold a pencil. Though I started using the anime style about 3 years ago.
Interviewer: Thats cool,  at least some one of us have talent. ^^
Ally: I don't believe I'm talented...but hey,thanks! ^^;
Interviewer: Wow modest and nice *gives her a cookie*
Ally: Wooo cookie *o*  You're too kind. ;3
Interviewer: Do you take request?
Ally: Not at the moment, no. Might start accepting some again in a few months, though.
Interviewer: Whats your favorite comic on Bitmap?
Ally: Bitmap comic. I just love the sprites. ^^
Interviewer: I'm sure Android would be glad to hear that.
Ally: Yes. Me too. ;3
Interviewer: If you had a chance to work at Bitmap would you?
Ally: If I could manage to find more free time - I guess so. ^^
Interviewer: What programs do you use for your art?
Ally: Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Interviewer: Do you consider yourself a good artist.
Ally: Nah. ^^; I think I still have a lot more to learn. ^^winter night
Interviewer: Do you have a site you would like to premote?
Ally: Of course! ^_- I have my own personal website at  Basically it's my Videogame, Anime and Furry fanart. It has more stuff than my DA archive.
Interviewer: Cool!  I'll be sure to check it out.
Ally: Thanks! ^.^
Interviewer: Do you have anything else you want to say at our closeing?
Ally: Hmmmm....That everyone should check out the Bitmap comic. Because i said so. ;3
Interviewer: Ok thank you for your time!  And everyone visit her site! OR ELSE...
Ally: or else i'll pelt them with skittles! 6.6; (and trust me it hurts).
Interview by: Android140