Crossing Chaos
Interview with Kina from
Interviewer: How are you doing, may I ask you a few questions?
Kina: I'm doing well, thanks. Sure, go ahead ^.^
Interviewer: How did you get started in the art biz?
Kina: Hmm.. well I've always done art as long as I can remember,
you know like little stick people and copying my favourite cartoons.
About 4 years ago I got the Zelda64 Ocarina of Time game and I liked
to copy the images from the manual. I guess that's how I got started
with anime.
Kina: And for furry art, it wasn't until someone showed me
Teamartail 3 years ago that I saw the first of furry art, and decided
to draw my own.
Interviewer: Thats very interesting, I had that game its very hard not
to become a fan.
Kina: Heh yeah I spent all of my grade 8 lunch hours on that game
Interviewer: lol
Interviewer: So practice makes perfect.  Do you have any idols?
Kina: It certainly does. Hmm.. yeah I have a lot of idols. I
guess the first artist that I really looked up to was Jeff Axer. I
would rip off his stuff so bad! It was terrible! Then I went through
my Rose Besch phase and tried to draw like her for a while. Now that
I've had more practice and found my own style, I still look up to
them, and many more artists such as Corey Lewis, Locke, Anya
Schwartz, Oni...
Interviewer: Your one of my idols, I think your work is very uniqe.
Kina: Thanks =n.n= But I'd hardly consider myself an idol. I
still have a LOT to learn as far as art goes.
Interviewer: I like your techniqe what tools do you use.
Kina: Well for drawing I use anything I can find, from regular HB
pencils and paper straight from my printer, to mechanical pencils and
sketchpad paper. As far as inking goes, I use any kind of uniball or
smooth flowing black pen, as long as it's not a ballpoint pen. For
colors I use any kind of cheap pencil crayons, or markers. For CGs, I
use Adobe Photoshop 6.0.
Interviewer: Do you have any favorite pages on Bitmap?
Kina: I think I'd have to say that the Art page is my favourite
Interviewer: Are you working on any projects now?
Kina: Well I have a lot of things going on at the moment. For
artwork, I have a lot of school-related things to do. I have many
projects for my Visual Arts class, and then I have to make a few
Flash based websites for my Graphics Class. Out of school, I'm
working on a new site design, and commissions, mostly.
Interviewer: Whats your going rate on commisions and request/trades.
Kina: Requests, i dont do those anymore. I was getting way too
many and not enough time or energy to complete them all. I still
occasionally take trades, although I rarely get back to them, so i'm
not that reliable for that. As far as Commissions, I always complete
those within a few days, and on average it's about 25$ for a full
colored piece, all depending on what medium and how large.
Interviewer: Do you want to promote any of you sites work or contact
Kina: Sure. You can see all of my art at my website,
Kina: You can contact me via e-mail,
or through aim, o0kina0o
Interviewer: Thank you for your time.
Interviewer: Do you want anything to say at our closeing?
Kina: Heh, anytime! Hmm... to all artists out there, practice,
practice and more practice makes perfect! And draw what you want, not
what others want to see. It's your art, have fun with it ^.^
Interviewer: Thanks again and good luck on your art.
Kina: Thank you!
Interview by: Android140